Feb 13, 2016 | DebbieR | 724 views
There is no "I" in "TEAM"
Sometimes we come across a game where there is more than just winning. Our Shallow Lake Peewee LL team travelled to Walkerton on February 3, 2016 for a mid-week game. Our team was victorious and believed in each other and one another's abilities. That is why our team so far is undefeated in regular season play......teamwork!
To our coaching staff - thanks for shaking things up. Thanks for allowing our players the chance to come out of their element, for them to try something new, for them to shine and provide them with a feeling of being part of what some would call an extraordinary TEAM!
Period 1 Summary: Goals by Tyler McKee and Quinlin Wilder. Assists went to Jake Ross, Tanner Hamill and Sam Standoloft.
Period 2 Summary: Goals by Jarrod Forrest, Zach Deakins, Sam Standoloft and Quinlin Wilder. Assisting were Quintin Cardinal (2), Bennett Lines, Wyatt Hickson, Oskar French-Jones and Zach Deakins.
Period 3 Explosion: Quinlin Wilder (3), Tanner Hamill, Sam Standoloft, Oskar French-Jones, Jake Ross and Zach Deakins. Assists went to Logan Richards, Wyatt Hickson (2), Bennett Lines and Quintin Cardinal.
In a hockey environment, words can have different meanings to different players:
Ability can mean your skill and it can also mean your effort or for some, both;
Chances can mean players extending themselves beyond their own skill and it can also mean a player given the opportunity to have the support of his teammates to take a chance;
Satisfaction can mean playing your best and getting rewarded for it; it can also mean playing your best with the feeling of your teammates having your back and rewarding you for it :)