Jan 02, 2016 | DebbieR | 666 views
We Did It Coach Mike!
With great support from their coaching bench staff and with Coach Mike in their heads, our team put on an insatiable effort in Tara on December 21, 2015 and a 4-3 win was their reward!
With Tara's stands full, both teams did not hold back and it was great hockey to watch! Both goalies, Ben Redmond for Shallow Lake and Tyson Heard for Arran-Elderslie should be very proud of both their efforts - it was a goalie's game for sure :)
Scoring summary Period 1: Jake Ross, unassisted.
Scoring summary Period 2: Wyatt Hickson and Tyler McKee, both unassisted.
Don't let the scoring summaries mislead you.....the game was fast-paced and passing was key to keeping our team connected! The break between the 2nd and 3rd period proved very well for our opponents, as they came out strong-willed and determined!
Scoring summary Period 3: For Arran-Elderslie: Logan McIntosh, unassisted; Will Brynham, assisted by Colton Legge and Rocco Krisza, unassisted. For Shallow Lake: The game-winner scored by Zach Deakins, unassisted! Congrats Zach!
Our defensive team showed impressive by getting the puck out of our zone and connecting with the forwards! Thank you Justin - your time, effort and hard work with our defence is shining brightly :) We also must acknowledge our support staff on the bench - your words of encouragement shape our kids - please accept our thanks!
Happy New Year everyone - the best is yet to come :)