Nov 23, 2015 | MonicaB | 1007 views
The Shouldice Designer Stone Shallow Lake Lakers proved once
again that they deserve to be on top.
The Lakers went into their game against Mount Forest with a slow start and ended the first period in a 2-2 tie. The Lakers then came out strong with 4 more goals in the second period and another 6 goals in the third – ending the game in a 12-2 blow out. Gavin Gibbons led the scoring with 4 goals, Ben Shouldice followed with a hat trick, Aidan Christie added 2 and Spencer Davidson, Anderson Kivell and Kurtis Indoe all added singles. Assists went to Aidan Christie, Darryl Blair, Josh Devries, Kalum McKinnon, Gavin Gibbons, Spencer Davidson, Matthew Boulter and Aidan Christie. Jesse Cunningham and Lander Hartley split the game in net and both held strong against some good shots from the Mount Forest team. Great job once again Lakers!