Where Has The Season Gone, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Mar 03, 2018 | SLMH | 949 views
Where Has The Season Gone
As teams continue to make the run in Playdowns, it's time for a brief update, some information and dates that may help your future planning.


This year's AGM will be held after the Year End Banquets on Sunday, March 25.  Come out to the AGM and throw your name in the hat to get involved, or you can fill out the online form to put your name in for one of the available SLMH Executive positions.  You need no experience, but a positive attitude and desire to help in minor hockey is a must.


IP to Novice

12:00 – 2:00 PM

Atom to Bantam

2:0 0 – 4:00 PM


4:30 PM



Will continue online.  Registration will be done through our website and will open in April.  Sign up early so not to forget about it and save on discounts.  Early rates are good until June 1st.




There will be a ballot box in the arena in the main lobby area.  Please fill out (by clicking on above link) and tell us who is doing an exceptional job this year, and who deserves a little recognition.  These people have a tough job and it remains a thankless job.  Show your appreciation by voting.




Positive, negative and neutral feedback is always appreciated and makes us better, trust us we do get the honest ones and they are great to get.  Turn one in (fill out by clicking above)



If you are interested in coaching REP Hockey next season deadline for Coaching Applications is
March 15Police checks are MANDATORY for all coaches, and without one on file the application will not be accepted.  Click on above link for application


We hope you and your child are enjoying your experience with Minor Hockey.


Yours in Hockey,              

Shallow Lake Minor Hockey Executive



An email has been sent out to all players with complete details.  If you did not receive please email our Secretary