First Time Registration, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Aug 11, 2016 | SLMH | 2576 views
First Time Registration
Free Hockey Registration for Kids    

In a show of support to families with children who wish to play hockey, Shallow Lake Minor Hockey Association is offering  FREE REGISTRATION for ALL FIRST TIME HOCKEY PLAYERS. It has been made possible by Shouldice Designer Stone and their continued support for minor hockey.

2016-2017 Minor Hockey Registration is available online at  or if you have never played before and want to sign up as a first time player in person there will be registration at the Shallow Lake Arena

Monday September 12th - 5:30 - 7:00 PM

Families are required to bring a copy of their childs birth certificate, plus mileage from their home to the Shallow Lake Post Office (Allans Convenience Store) and their home to the next closest hockey centers post office. If this is not available, registration will NOT be accepted. Please note restrictions are based on residential locations.

** Cash calendar fundraising is in effect for ALL players ($150) **