Registration for the 2024-2025 season is now OPEN!
Shallow Lake Minor Hockey Registration for 2024-25 Season is now OPEN!
Register Early to Guarantee Your Spot for the 2024-25 Hockey Season.
Register by August 1, 2024, to have your player entered into a draw to WIN FREE registration!
The online registration process is now open.
Registration can be paid in one of the following manners:
Online payment with credit card
Online payment by E-transfer - [email protected]
NOTE: Registration must be paid in full prior to the player stepping on the ice.
New Players
If you have played Minor Hockey in another center in the past and you have relocated to Shallow Lake Minor Hockey Zone, contact the SLMH Registrar Tammy Robertson at [email protected] for the proper residential transfer forms. You won’t be able to register until this has been done.
First Year Players
If you are a first year player please contact Tammy Robertson at [email protected] for further instructions. Shallow Lake Minor Hockey will NOT be offering free first year registration this season.
REGISTRATION FEES for the 2024-25 Season
First Time Players – Contact SLMH Registrar at [email protected]
Under 7 - $400.00
Under 8 - $400.00
Under 9 –$625.00
Under 11 –$675.00
Under 13 –$675.00
Under 15 –$725.00
Under 18 –$800.00
Under 21 - $800.00
No late fees will be applied this season.
OMHA Required Parental Respect in Sport Training
The OMHA requires a parent or guardian from every family to complete the new Respect in Sport Training, online Module as a condition of play. Failure to complete this requirement will prevent your child from participating. A link will be posted on the Shallow Lake Minor Hockey Website
ROWANS LAW- Mandatory
On July 1, 2019 the Ontario Government is implementing “Rowan’s Act”; a concussion awareness law that requires at least one parent to complete the Ontario Hockey Federation Acknowledgement Form, before their child may participate in this season. A link will be posted on the Shallow Lake Minor Hockey Website
Request for Refunds
A $50.00 administration fee will be applied to all refund requests to cover costs of administration and insurance. All requests for refunds must be made in writing to the SLMH Registrar. Registration Fees will be refunded as per SLMH Order of Operations Policy. A copy of this policy can be found on the SLMH website.
Registration Link
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