Sep 23, 2024 | Kevin Beirnes | 451 views
U11 rep try outs UPDATE
The following players are invited to attend try outs for the U11 Rep team on Wednesday at 5pm:
Hunter Beirnes
Lucas Burns
Michael Cooper
Lucas Cosgrove
Ryder Dangerfield
Corbin Dykstra
Spencer Goodings
Colton Hilbert
Levi Hilbert
Xavier Kingsbury
Mcgregor Klages
Cole Margetts
Wyatt McConnell
Jaxon Mole
Jacob Schwindt
Cole Snow
Rhys Thompson
Rocky Turkstra
Bryce Underwood
If your name was not on the list please know it is never easy to make cuts, and every one really impressed all of us out on the ice. You'll all have a great season no matter what team you are on, be proud and go Lakers!