Sep 25, 2023 | U13-REP | 541 views
2023-2024 U13 Rep Final Roster
Thank you to all of the players who came to the final tryout. The coaches were very impressed with the effort shown by everyone, and it made their decision very difficult. Your hard work did not go unnoticed!
2023-2024 U13 Rep Final Roster
Trent Bryan
Conner West
Zach Cosgrove
Deegan Bermanschlager
Griffin Goodings
Davis Roebuck
Reed Macwilliam
Ryerson Koeslag
Kyler Bartlett
Kyle Vanderkooy
Gavin Dorion
Spencer Sherman
Cougen Cameron
Cohen Ainslie-Waples
Brodey Smith
Cole Grahlman
Cayleb Luckhardt