SLMH Equipment Swap and Laker Gear Day!, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Aug 10, 2024 | SLMH | 390 views
SLMH Equipment Swap and Laker Gear Day!
To further help support players in our community, Shallow Lake Minor Hockey is now accepting gently used hockey equipment for our annual Shallow Lake Minor Hockey Equipment Swap on August 25, 2024, from 12-4pm at the Shallow Lake Arena.  

The new season is quickly approaching and in just over a month we will be back on the ice. Have your players try on their gear now to make sure they are ready to hit the ice. If you have any gently used equipment that you would like to donate or have any questions about this event, please reach out to [email protected]

As an added bonus for this event Hometown Sports will be on site to help gear up your Laker before the season starts with the latest Laker Garb that will be offered this season! 

Go Lakers Go!