Elmira Chicken - SLMH Fundraiser, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Sep 14, 2023 | SLMH | 721 views
Elmira Chicken - SLMH Fundraiser
We are selling Elmira Chicken!

Please see the form attached at the bottom for our fundraiser to support Shallow Lake Minor Hockey!

Please print out the form or pick up a form at the arena, beginning Saturday September 16th. 

You can email your completed orders to [email protected] no later than September 25th.  You can also drop off the forms to Jessica Hamilton or any other fundraising committee member.  In person drop off will be on September 25th at 6:30 at the arena. 

We ask that when payment for your order is submitted that you submit ONE method of payment for your entire order. Payment can be made by etransfer to [email protected] with labelling your hockey team and player in the comment section or a cheque payable to Shallow Lake Minor Hockey. 

Chicken pick up will be October 12th!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Jessica at [email protected]
Thank you for your help with this fundraiser and continued support of Shallow Lake Minor Hockey!
