In Person Registration!, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Aug 11, 2024 | SLMH | 1188 views
In Person Registration!
Shallow Lake Minor Hockey will be offering ONE in person registration on August 25, 2024, from 12-4pm during our annual Equipment Swap. 

If you would like to register your 1st year player in person or need assistance setting up your players profile in the Hockey Canada Registry (uploading documents or completing the mandatory Respect in Sport for Parents) you may do so by appointment only. 

To schedule an in-person appointment please reach out to our registrar Tammy Robertson at [email protected]

This is also a reminder that if you are a returning player and you haven't registered for the upcoming season, please do so at your earliest convenience as we begin to prepare and review division numbers for the upcoming season that is just around the corner. 

Registration for the upcoming season closes on September 6, 2024.