SLMH Rostering U21 Team - Registration Open, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Aug 03, 2022 | SLMH | 509 views
SLMH Rostering U21 Team - Registration Open
Shallow Lake Minor Hockey will be Rostering a U21 Team for the upcoming 2022/23 season. Registration is now OPEN!

If you or someone you know was born in 2002 or later and is interested in trying out for the Lakers U21 REP team please register using the Hockey Canada Registry portal on or before September 5, 2022. 

The registration cost for this team will be $600.00 per player.  At the time of your registration we ask that you ONLY pay a non-refundable $60.00 try out fee.  Each player will be guaranteed 3 try out skates at the start of the season.  Once the team has been selected the remaining registration fee will become due. 

If you have any further questions regarding this team please submit your questions to [email protected]

SLMH Executive