Sep 28, 2021 | SLMH | 486 views
First Regular Season Weekend
The Schedule for the first week of our regular season is now posted .
Review the Association Calendar and find your dates and times which start this Saturday October 2nd.
Please be reminded that masks are required at all times while in the Facility and proof of vaccination is required for all spectators. Players eligible for the Vaccine and team personnel will be exempt until October 31st as per the OMHA Vaccine policy. Once in the Facility proceed directly to the seating area as there is no loitering allowed in the lobby area. If you are assisting your child in the dressing room proceed directly to the seating area afterwards. Remember to perform symptom self screening prior to arriving and all players & coaching staff will be checked in at the check in table near the access to the dressing room area. We look forward to seeing you at the rink.
SLMH Executive