Support for One of Our Own, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Feb 19, 2021 | SLMH | 1256 views
Support for One of Our Own
A member of our Laker Hockey Family is in need of our thoughts and support.

Laker player Anderson Kivell was in a snowmobile accident last weekend. He is doing well, but is in St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto undergoing several surgeries on a badly damaged leg. Melissa and Andy are both with him in Toronto.  

If anyone is interested in contributing a donation to help the family with expenses while they are in Toronto, expenses to support Anderson’s recovery when he gets home and expenses related to follow up medical appointments and procedures, it would be greatly appreciated.  

Here is the link to a go fund me page that has been set up for the family; 

Fundraiser by Heather Shouldice : Anderson Kivell Recovery Fund ( 

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