Mar 14, 2020 | SLMH | 1754 views
POSTPONED - Year End Banquet and AGM
Both the Year End Banquet and AGM have been POSTPONED. Once new date has been confirmed it will be posted. Please keep an eye on website.
Stay healthy everyone.
These will be held Sunday, March 29 as follows:
IP - Novice
11:00 - 12:00 PM
Atom - Bantam
1:00 - 2:00 PM
AGM will be held at 2:30 PM. Come put your name in to get involved. A positive attitude and desire to help in SLMH is a must.
Positions Available
President 2 year term (Must currently be on Executive)
1st Vice 1 year term (Must currently be on Executive)
Coach Convener 2 year term
Town Contact 1 year term
Tournament Convener 1 year term
IP/Minor Novice Convener 1 year term
Equipment Manager 1 year term
Fundraising - 6 Positions 1 year term