Food Drive - Lets All Help, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Nov 03, 2019 | SLMH | 2440 views
Food Drive - Lets All Help
Our Peewee Local League team wants to help the Wiarton Salvation Army after the horrible break in that they suffered.  They will be running a Food Drive in order to help them in their time of need just as they help others in our community.  

The Food Drive will run from Wednesday, November 6 until Saturday, November 16.  We will have collection bins at the arena and are asking for everyone to help by pitching in! Items that would be helpful are anything non-perishable for example: soups, brown beans, cereals, peanut butter, jam, canned vegetables etc.   Thank you in advance for everyone's help with is great to be part of such a wonderful, caring community."