WOAA Bursary, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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May 14, 2019 | SLMH | 939 views
WOAA Bursary
The W.O.A.A. Scholastic Bursary Award was established as a result of a generous donation by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gravett and family.  For many years Mr. Gravett had been a loyal supporter of the W.O.A.A. serving in varied capacities. 



            The Bursary Assistance fund is an initiative administered by the Western Ontario Athletic Association.  As a registered non-profit corporation, specified in Letters Patent #000669529 dated July 24, 1986, and on the Gravett family’s behalf, the Trustees administer this educational endowment. 

            This program established through the generosity of the late Mr. Donald “Boom” and Mrs. Mary Gravett and family of Hanover, Ontario is intended as a rewarding recognition, assisting selected candidates in their educational endeavors.


This program is designed to assist students entering into or continuing post-secondary education attending a Canadian University or Community College.

Bursary assistance will not be based upon scholastic standings.  Approvals will be based on a combination of acceptance by a faculty to a post-secondary institution or upon successful completion of one or more years of a program leading to a recognized degrees, diploma or certificate.


The maximum amount of assistance granted to a bonafide student shall be in the amount of $500.00 per scholastic year.

Applicants who are registered in a recognized course of shorter duration where tuition fees are reduced may be granted assistance on a pro-rated basis determined by the Board of Directors.

A student or apprentice may apply for a grant in order to purchase instruments, tools or related items.

Any of the above-mentioned items/articles must be directly related to and used/associated with the appropriate scholastic endeavor.



Any student 21 years of age or younger who is currently or has previously been registered with the W.O.A.A., who has graduated from a Secondary School and continuing to a place of higher education.


Application forms must be completed by the applicant, parent or legal guardian.


All applications must be complete in full detail.


An applicant may submit a current resume or other related documentation which shall be attached to the application form.


An applicant, parent or legal guardian assumes full responsibility for ensuring all documentation is forwarded on or before September 30th each year, directly to:

Executive Administrator

        49 Alfred Street West

        P. O. Box 110

        Wingham, Ontario

N0G 2W0


All submissions and related documentation shall remain protected information by the W.O.A.A.


Repetitive yearly application is acceptable.

Selection Committee:

The President shall annually appoint a committee of three to five persons, each being a current member of the Board of Directors.


Appointees should be cognizant of and responsive to current educational standards and the intended endeavors of the W.O.A.A.


The selection committee shall review all documentation, then submit the recommendations to the Board of Directors by October Board of Directors Monthly Meeting.


The Board of Directors may not necessarily award a Bursary each year.


The decision of the Board shall be final and no appeal will be considered.

Deadline for submission is September 30

Bursary Application