2019-2020 AAA Permission to Skate, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Apr 04, 2019 | SLMH | 1171 views
2019-2020 AAA Permission to Skate
As part of a new process being implemented this year, each player requesting a Permission to Skate Form must register with their home association first - NO EXCEPTIONS.  Even if you have played AAA elsewhere for the last several seasons, you must complete the PTS registration in order to receive the PTS. 

The process is as follows:
Electronically register player on Hockey Canada Registry system

The process is quite similar to registering a player for SLMH, however the package you will choose is Permission to Skate. There is no fee to this registration, but it is a requirement of the OMHA.

If you have never registered for minor hockey electronically before, you will need to create an HCR account. If you already have one from previous seasons, you just need to register your player. To start the process go to our [Online Registration Instructions] page where you can select the appropriate link to start the process.

At the end of the registration process you will be provided a link to the Permission to Skate forms.  It will download both the AAA and Junior PTS form. You only need to complete the Junior part of the form if you plan on trying out for a Junior team.  It is a PDF file (you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to be able to read and complete this form). Most computers will likely already have this software installed, however is you don't, you can find it [here].

Complete The PTS Form Electronically

Once downloaded to your computer, double click on the form to open it. It will have areas on the form that you must complete:

AAA zone
Date of birth
Previous season team i.e. Shallow Lake Peewee, Bantam, Midget, Grey Bruce Highlanders

Email Completed form to SLMH President (Mike Sollazzo)

Once you have filled in the information electronically, make sure you save the form and email it to our President. It is important that you email the form electronically and not print it out and scan or take a picture of it. The original form is required so that it can be digitally signed.

Signed PTS form will be emailed back to you.

Once our President has verified that you have pre-registered, he will sign and return the form back to you where you can print it out for presenting at the AAA tryout skates.

Any questions, please [email protected] 
Click on Register a Participant

If you have registered a player before, it should have their name listed. You can click on the register button beside their name. If this is a new process that you have never done before, you will have to fill in the first name, last name, date of birth and gender and click on register.

The next screen asks for "Type of Registration". Just choose Participants and click Next

It then asks you to select the age division you would like to register this participant in. You will only have the option appropriate for the age of your player. Select this and click next.

It will ask you to choose a registration package. Click the select button beside permission to skate.

On the next screen, you must fill out the mailing address, work phone, email, emergency contact information and position. The position isn't really important for the PTS registration. Once completed, click NEXT.

On the next screen you have a bunch of waivers. Select the appropriate box and then click Next.

You will now be presented with a TOTAL for the order. The amount will be $0.00. Click on the review button. You are presented with a summary of the registration and fee of zero. Click on Checkout. Yet another screen will ask you to confirm. Again select Checkout.

It will ask you to select the method of payment. Even though the cost is $0.00, you still need to select something. Select Cheque and click Next.

You will now be presented with a link to the downloadable form. Notice the link in this screenshot. Click on the link to open the form on your system.

Complete the form and follow the instructions in the first part of this page.