REP Scheduling Meetings, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Sep 27, 2018 | SLMH | 676 views
REP Scheduling Meetings
The WOAA REP Scheduling Meetings will take place Sunday, September 30 as follows:

All to be held at

WOAA Office
49 Alfred Street West
Wingham, ON



WOAA Convenor

9:00 AM

Bantam REP

Paul Sebastian

10:30 AM

Midget REP

Paul Sebastian

12:00 PM

Peewee REP

Dale Burnett

1:30 PM

Novice REP

Dave Garinger

3:00 PM

Atom REP

Kaye Holmes

Due to space restrictions in the New WOAA office Meeting Room, each team is asked to have only ONE Representative present with ice times for scheduling purposes.