Online Registration Now Open, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Apr 01, 2018 | SLMH | 1210 views
Online Registration Now Open
We are now accepting Registrations for the 2018/2019 Hockey Season.        

Registration to be done online.  The online registration link can be found on our website under Registration tab.  It's a great way to register as it ties in all aspects for your child directly with Hockey Canada Registry (HCR)


Hockey Canada controls questions and pages during the online process.  You will create a user name and password that will keep your information private. If pages are read and questions answered no problems will arise.  There are no shortcuts. Be patient and read all of the questions.   We only ask that you read all the instructions. If you are stuck, please contact our Registrar. 


One important note is the name the child has been registered with.  If you do not put in the full name that your child was originally registered with the name may not be found.  Again, contact us if this is an issue and you cannot find it.  Age groups are defined by HCR, only the applicable categories will show once your birthdate has been entered. 


SLMH would like to encourage all to register on-line with credit cards.  Cheques can be used and mailed, but you must still register online and print off a copy of the invoice and mail it with your cheque to:

Morris Galbraith

202118 Hwy 21

RR # 5, Owen Sound, ON

N4K 5N7


Its a much better process with Credit card. Please try to use one.


For those without internet access the local Librarys are always an option.



A player will not be considered as registered or rostered to a team until payment is received in full and his/her parent has completed Respect in Sport (RIS) Parent program. 

ALL children without a Parent RIS will NOT be allowed on the ice.

Registration must be received by May 31st to receive Early Bird Rate.
As of June 1st late fee of $50 is in effect.  As of August 1st late fee of $100 is in effect.

Please ensure on HCR that your address and eMail are  correct