Cangrands, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

News Article
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Mar 21, 2013 | SLMH | 1763 views
Approximately 62,500 children are being raised by Kin in Canada. Most of these children are being raised by a grandmother or aunt who is retired with very low income. There is very little in the way of support for these children, many of which have suffered neglect and abuse.

CANGRANDS is a not-for-profit organization devoted to providing kinship support for caregiver families across Canada  


Donna Woods is a SLMHA Grandparent that is raising her two grandchildren

She has a placed a Ziploc bag with a form attached asking for Canadian Tire, Shoppers Drug Mart, Petro Canada and Future Shop receipts.

Please drop off your collected receipts from the above businesses and help send a kid to camp

The Ziploc bag is on the bulletin board.