Shallow Lake Building Committee - Cookbook, News (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

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Sep 12, 2012 | SLMH | 2013 views
Shallow Lake Building Committee - Cookbook
The SL Building Committee is putting together a cookbook.  They are aiming at a 100 page book, with at least 75 pages of recipes and 25 pages of kitchen tips or home remedies. The cookbooks will be sold for $12/book as a fundraiser.

The Committee is asking for as many recipes from the Shallow Lake Minor Hockey parents as possible, and your name will go with the recipe in the book.  If you are interestered pleaes email Louise Kazarian-Hodder (by Wed. Sept. 19th) a recipe or 2 or more. The recipes can be anything from nibbles to main courses to desserts.  They were looking to have all of the recipes in by Thurs. Sept. 20th as the next committee meeting is Mon. Sept. 24th.

Discussion is still going on for the actual name of the cookbook, so if anyone has an idea, please let Louise know  The design on the front of the book is going to be the Shallow Lake Minor Hockey Logo, with other logos also.