Jul 23, 2010 | SLMH | 1131 views
New Look
Welcome to our "NEW" look!!!
As you can see, Shallow Lake Minor Hockey Association has recently launched a new website. The goal of our new site is to provide all information relating to our Association and our Teams.
The main menu is across the top of the page. It contains all information about SLMHA, how to participate, the programs we provide, etc. Some pages contain links to other areas within the site where more detailed information can be found.
Each team has their own site where you can find information about them. These team sites will contain scheduling and other information for each of them. No information is available at this time as our 2010-2011 Coaches/teams have not been chosen.
We would like to hear from you about our new site. To do this, click Feedback at top of the page
Thanks goes out to MBSportsWeb for their help in getting this up and running.